Office Document Strategies

Canadian Government Plans New Cyber Security Strategy

Written by Lee Kirkby | Wed, Jun 20, 2018 @ 11:06 AM

Stories continue to abound about cyber attacks, hacking and new potential threats to the security of Canada's IT systems.  For many SMEs the thoughts of addressing the many potential threats, while they work hard to provide business growth, good service to customers and returns on investment, is pretty challenging.  Since for many companies the IT environment is still kind of unknowable territory especially when looking at security issues it is not hard to accept that they can become overwhelmed by all of the negative news.  

Recent reports indicate that the federal government is proposing to work with industry to attempt to address some of these challenges and bring a focus that can help SMEs especially.  This could be good news if done right and if enough industry players are able to acquire or expand their expertise to respond.

The latest budget has included provisions to enact some of the steps needed to move ahead including the creation of the Canadian Centre For Cyber Security  The organization is proposed to be operational by this fall with an open ended approach so that as many interested participants can become allied and supportive of the initiative.

While such a government centre will not be the total solution for the problems of cyber security it can be a catalyst which can help communicate and educate those looking for solutions.

Lead agency within the Canadian Government is Public Safety Canada which is charged with the responsibility to build a robust network of resources to help protect Canada's infrastructure including private communications and IT systems from external threats.

 Of course each business has to rely on its own efforts to protect its systems and operations.  Using both internal and third party resources this type of planning and execution is a necessary part of every business's operations.

It is good to see that government responses to the increased cyber challenges are not limited to only protecting government operations but are expanded to include assisting the private sector to do so as well.

Unfortunately the burden that this area of attack places on all legitimate activities is substantial but it has become and unavoidable cost of doing business which is necessary for success.

Lee K