Office Document Strategies

Web Page Issues Can Happen To Anybody

Written by Lee Kirkby | Wed, Jul 18, 2018 @ 12:07 PM

Anyone who spends any time at all listening to what happens in the technology and retail fields will know by now that Amazon experienced intermittent outages with the launch of their 2018 Prime Day on Monday afternoon this week.  For anyone who is not up to what is happening at the world's most aggressive online retailer each year they launch a roughly 36 hour promotion day which makes Black Friday in the US and Boxing Day in Canada look tiny.  Estimates are that over 3.4 billion dollars in sales will be produced this year on Prime Day in spite of the glitches which occurred. 

A quick search of the net mid afternoon of Prime Day shows that this story has been big news in the tech industry.

Amazon's website crashed as soon as Prime Day began - The Verge

Prime Down: Amazon's sale day turns into fail day | TechCrunch

Amazon's Prime Day outages trip up shoppers - CNN Money

Amazon says US Prime Day sales reach records despite early outage


While it appears that Amazon will still be in the position to declare Prime Day another success the fact that their systems were affected by the volumes and timing of the launch show how vulnerable every business can be when dealing with their online premise.

It is important that one of the big business sectors that Amazon prides itself on and one which is growing in importance is AWS.  This is Amazon's broad based computer hosting and provisioning service which provides hosted computing power for many organizations both big and small.  AWS has been one of their fastest growing and profitable business sectors and having a failure, even with what looks like a quick recovery, in a highly visible event for them can only cause some potential AWS customers to ask questions.

For smaller organizations which do not have the in house resources to handle downtime and which count on the provisions of a data centre to keep them operative reliable hosting services are critical.  Seeing that it can happen to one of the biggest in the industry and on a high priority day for them can definately cause questions for any business using or considering hosted services.

Of course Amazon will survive this embarrassing but handled event.  For others it might not be so easy to get away with these kinds of difficulties.

This year's Prime Day shows all of us that IT services and online delivery is still a problematic challenge which takes resources, planning and in the end maybe some luck to ensure that your presence is consistent and reliable.  It also helps in the event that you do experience some issues at some point to remind us that even the 'Big Boys' can face challenges too.

Maybe that is reassuring in the end?

Lee K