Office Document Strategies Blog

Top Facebook Pages In the IT Network Space- Weekly Digest

Posted by Lee Kirkby on Mon, Mar 28, 2011 @ 15:03 PM!/pages/Leppert-Business-Systems-Inc/109842049032253Our regular weekly digest focuses on Facebook showing some of the better corporate Facebook pages which offer good information in the IT network field and some security tips for your Facebook site.  Of course there is more happening in the document world so there are a couple of other key topics for you as well.

Here are some of the winning pages:






10 Important Facebook Security Settings courtesy of

iPad 2 tips and Tricks courtesy of PC Magazine

And finally if you are keen on B2B viral videos, here's one that Hubspot has deemed the best of the best.  It's all about glass...not exciting till you see the video.

That's it for this week.  I'll have some new features for you for next week's digest.  In the meantime, if you have any interesting features you would like to share post them in the comments below....

Lee K

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Topics: technology tools, Software, IT network